VAT Relief


VAT relief is available on certain products for charities and for disabled people who buy products designed solely for use by disabled individuals. The regulations are such that it is impossible for a care home to buy on behalf of its residents and legitimately claim for VAT relief.

VAT relief may be claimed online at the point of payment by eligible individuals and charities with a charity number.

Who is eligible for VAT relief?

To be eligible for VAT relief you have to fit within one of the following categories:

  • A charity - a charitable care institution that provides care or treatment to people, the majority of whom are disabled people – please provide us with your charity number
  • A person who is chronically sick or disabled
    • Defined as: A person with a physical or mental impairment which has a long term and substantial adverse effect upon their ability to carry out everyday activities; with a condition which the medical profession treats as a chronic sickness or a person who is terminally ill.
    • It does not include frail elderly people who are otherwise able bodied, or any person who is only temporarily disabled or incapacitated.

Which items are eligible?

Products available for relief include aids designed solely for use by someone who is chronically sick or disabled, as well as products designed for the care or treatment of incontinence. Such products are only available at zero-rate VAT when purchased directly by an individual for their personal use, or when purchased by a registered charity for use by the disabled person. Eligible products will be marked as such on the website.

Claiming exemption

To claim exemption on our website you need to complete the VAT relief declaration form which is available in 'Your Account' and through the checkout page. You will need to complete your name, contact details and reason as to why you are eligible for VAT relief. You will then be able to apply the relief throughout the website and will remove the VAT from the eligible products as set out above.

VAT reliefs for disabled people aren't means-tested. They're not dependent on the benefits a disabled person may or may not get and a person doesn’t have to be registered disabled in order to qualify. Goods can be only zero rated for VAT for charities and people who are chronically sick or disabled.

Supply of goods to charities will only qualify for VAT relief where the goods are made available by the charity to a disabled person for their personal or domestic use.

We know of no practical way for non-charitable care homes to avoid paying VAT. The regulations are such that all avenues have been closed off.

For more information on VAT relief for disabled individuals please visit:

VAT Reliefs for Disabled People

VAT Relief for Disabled People (Updates)

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